Maybe you have been working in the private sector for many years, and now you are considering a career shift for a job in humanitarian aid, with an NGO, a job abroad in a foreign country. Or you just graduated and finished your studies, and you are thinking of  moving abroad and starting your adventure with an NGO.

Maybe you are already working with an NGO in your own country and now you are considering an expat position. While considering your options and the possible changes, many thoughts may go through your mind.  

“Is a job in humanitarian aid or development context for me?”

“Will I be able to manage far away from home, in another culture, in a difficult context?”

“What about my family, will they manage without me?”

“My family might not be happy with my choices, and they might be worried.”

“Will I be able to get a job and how should I get started?”


During coaching I will help you get clarity on what is important for you, find a way to make your decisions, help you answer your own questions, and once the decisions are made find the way forward for the next steps.  

I offer a package of 4 individual coaching sessions of 1 hour  for € 440, - (including 21% VAT)  over a period of 8 weeks.

career Coaching for

NGOs and Humanitarians

If you can dream it, Do it. Career coaching - Imarah consultancy

All coaching will follow the standards and ethical principles set up by the professional association

“International coaching federation” (ICF).

Why career coaching for humanitarians and NGO staff? Just as in any other career there are many moments during your career where coaching could support you, in  getting clear what you want to do, making decisions  and planning your career path. But when deciding or transitioning to or from humanitarian work or international development the changes seem bigger and the decisions more difficult, as a job in the humanitarian aid or international development, with and NGO,  generally has a big impact on your life.
As profesional certified coach, I will help you discover what is important for you, what you really want to do, what will give you satisfaction, help you clarify your goals, help you discover what changes you want to make and how you will do that to reach your goals.

The packages below are examples but will be discussed and tailored to your individual needs as everyone is unique, and your life and career is your own unique journey.


If you can dream it?

Do it.  



Are you ready to reflect, find out what is important for you and find

the best way forward in your specific situation?   

Coaching for change. 

Is a job in humanitarian aid or international development for me?  

Are you ready to make a change in life and do you want to find out if we could work together? 

Preparing to go abroad or into the field  

You have made the decision and have been recruited for a job in foreign country, another culture, a complex political and security situation. At home there are so many things to do, before you leave. Coaching can help you to prepare. Think of:

  • What to do to prepare yourself;
  • Possible fear for the next steps;
  • Adapting to a new culture, and an unusual way of living;
  • The skills you would like to develop;
  • Saying goodbye at home to your dear ones;
  • How do you stay connected with home?


As humanitarain coach, I will help you get clarity on what is important for you, how to find your balance, how to prepare, what strengths and talents are you bringing with you, what skills you want to develop, how to keep in touch with home and yourself, and prepare an action plan.

I offer a package of 3 individual coaching sessions of 1 hour  for € 370, - (including 21% VAT)  over a period of maximum 6 weeks.

Are you interested in coaching to support the preparation for a job abroad? 

In the mission - Abroad  

Once abroad, in an international environment and in the field, you start with your mission, your new job, a new role in a new country.  You are in the field and after the first excitement you may face challenges, difficulties, obstacles, and conflicts. The environment and program might be changing, you may need to help develop new plans and adjust. There are deadlines for proposals and reports, a high workload and stress. Maybe there are challenges in communication in the team. Maybe you want to achieve more then you are doing and feel you are not very effective, or your patience is challenged. Sometimes you cannot move due to security rules and curfews, and you feel stuck. The work and environment might be overwhelming, and you miss home.

When you are already some time in the field, you may get a new role, a new position, with new responsibilities and new challenges.  Or you think of your own development and what next steps to take.


Coaching can help you find a way forward in the work, and private live, in coping with stress and challenges. As a professional certified coach, I have been there myself and I understand the situation. During coaching I will listen, ask you questions, help you reflect on views, ideas, thoughts, and the situation, get clear what you want change, and help you find the best way forward to address the challenges, focusing on the solution and the future. Together we will decide on the frequency and number of sessions. The coaching will be fully tailored to  your individual needs with the aim to learn, develop and achieve a well balanced and fulfilling life.

Back home? - Now what?   

Are you ready to reflect, on your learnings and find out how you can use these learning back home? 

If you can dream it, Do it. Career coaching - Imarah consultancy

At a certain moment you will decide to go back home, the reasons may vary. Maybe you want to settle with the family, maybe you retire, maybe you are not able to do the work anymore due to health reasons or other circumstances. Whatever the reason is for going back home, this can be a challenge, after being used to life in the field, back to normal life, whatever normal life means. You may ask yourself: What will be my next step? Where will I live? What will I do? Will I be able to adjust again to ‘normal life’?

You will have heard of the the term reverse culture shock, and you might be experiencing that.   


Also, here coaching can support you to find a way forward and coping with the challenges. During coaching I will help you to get clear what you want, what is important for you, what you  have learned from your experience abroad, what competencies you have gained, how can you use this experience back home and plan your next steps. The coaching will be adjusted to  your individual needs, with the aim to  learn, and achieve a well balanced and fulfilling life back home.