Does your organisation need a specific training, with the aim of skills development which will benefit both the learners and the organisation? We will work together to develop an in-house training in the field fully adjusted to the needs of the organisation and the learners in the organisation. No individual is the same, no organisation is the same, and each context is different. Therefore, any training will be adjusted to the organisational needs, the learners needs and the context.


Online training for NGO staff and Humanitarians. With humanitarians and development workers working all around the world, and lately with movement restrictions due to COVID 19 there is also a need to be able to learn and develop skills online, wherever you are in the world. We will be working together in a virtual classroom, where active participation is expected with interactive discussions, and group work. Therefore, also in the online training course you can expect action, interaction, and active learning. 


For both online trainings, and trainings in the field for a specific organisation all training will Follow the below phases. 


A learners’ needs assessment.

The aim is to identify the learning needs of the learners and adjust the training to the specific identified learning needs of the NGO staff and humanitarians. Often this will include questionnaires, tests, direct observations, or practice review (based on available work done). In addition, depending on the situation, interviews will be held with participants or managers.


The training

For each training or learning process the theory will be integrated with the practical working environment, while the learners are actively building their knowledge and skills, as well as reflecting on beliefs, ideas, and attitudes. During any training you can expect action, interaction, and active learning. All trainings will be adjusted to the context where you are working and when relevant we will use the tools you are using, while you each participant will be supported with individual coaching or mentoring. You will be working on assignments supported through individual or group mentor sessions. Flexibility will be the key, while ensuring we reach the learning objectives. Monitoring and evaluation of learning are an ongoing process, and therefore training will be adjusted if needed aiming to reach the learning objectives.

All training, whether face to face or online will be:

  • Adjusted to your needs;
  • Adjusted to your experience;
  • Flexible;
  • Building knowledge and developing skills;
  • Focussing on the result;
  • Interactive;
  • Enjoyable.


Evaluating the outcome of the training

All trainings will be evaluated, aiming to evaluate the skills, through a practical assignment. A certificate of completion will be given  after finalisation of the final assignment.


Follow-up coaching

After training additional coaching can be agreed to support the application of what has been learned into the practical day to day life. This is specifically useful in for example leadership and management trainings.


Examples of training through consultancy

  • A diversity in health topics, public health and health system strengthening;
  • Project cycle management;
  • Adult learning and developing an effective training;
  • Facilitation skills; 
  • Leadership and management.
  • Communication

All trainings will be adjusted to the learning and devlopment needs of the participants, the needs of the NGO or  humanitarian organisation. 



I hear and I forget

I see and I remember

I do and I understand


MdM Consultancy - Iraq 2021-Training-Supervision

Training and learning for humanitarians and NGOs,  designed to learn and develop your personal skills

with the aim to increase your effectiveness and impact in your daily work.

“Imarah consultancy” offers online training and in the field on request based on

specific needs of the organisation.

Available Online Trainings for

NGOs and Humanitarians 





Training for

NGOs and Humanitarians

Training project cycle management
Training being an effective team leader
Training - Putting PSEAH policies into practice
Training effective communication

No routine online trainings are scheduled for 2025 due to my commitment to a full-time role.

Any future training will be announced and updated on this website.

MdM Consultancy - Iraq 2021-Training-Supervision